About Ghost1Bot

This site was last updated on May 19th 2016

Ghost1Bot is a bot coded through MIRCs own MSLA language. It was created by BlindGhost1 for Twitch.tv based livestreams. The base script is the RCD Radio RoBo Bot's script modified for public use by Lozo and Scootz. The script is gradually being modified to make a bot that can fulfil most streaming needs. Some of the scripts have not been written by BlindGhost1 but all of them have been modified. For a list of full credits read the "credits" section. Ghost1Bot also responds to being talked to if adressed directly (for example: hi ghostbot)! try saying hello sometime! More stuff he responds to are questions about his age, insults, Apologies, ect. Just general stuff. I'm adding more with each update.

What's New?

I update this site frequently. If you use this bot please check back regulary for updates. There is a Newsletter system in the works aswell.

Updated to Version 0.4GBeta, Check Below to see the Full changelog. Major Update in this Version is the !time and !makecycle command

In Channels
Every Broadcaster who uses Ghost1Bot is personally responsible for having a pastebin with their costum commands. In most channels you should be able to do !commands to get a list of the commands that the mods have added. This is not done automatically. Broadcasters (or channel Mods) will have to add !cadd commands (pastebin url) themselves, and edit that command and pastebin on their own. I could make Ghostbot say all the costum commands on !commands but on channels with a lot of commands that would spam the chat. You can however connect to the twitch channel using an IRC client and do !cmd to display all commands added through !cadd automatically. Note that you can type !server to check out what server the bot is currently running on.

About Ghosts
Ghosts are coins. Ghosts are gained by playing games or waiting. You earn 1 Ghost every 5 minutes. Ghost1bot gets the ghosts you spend on stuff (for example playing the slotmachine costs 5 ghosts, those go directly to Ghost1Bot) but he also loses ghosts when you WIN at stuff. Try to push Ghost1bot in a crippling debt, if you want. This feature is currently enabled but in Beta. As soon as the full release kicks in I will reset EVERY POINT EARNED DURING THE BETA. Keep that in mind when hording your ghosts right now.

General Hardcoded Commands
!about - brings up this page

!ver - shows current version of Ghost1bot

!tlog - tells the time I spent working on ghostbot

[NEW] !time [Countryname/US-State/server/stream] - Gives the current time of that place, the streamers or the servers current time.

[NEW] !tag [Username (Optional) ] - displays given users Tag or own tag

!changes - displays latest changelog

!calc - use numbers, you can use [+] [-] [*] [/] and [^] in this format:!calc (1*2^5)

!commands - SHOULD display costum commands

!feedback <your feedback> - sends me feedback

Ghosts related commands
!slotmachine - starts the slotmachine. Playing once costs 5 Ghosts, chance to win 20 Ghosts.
!ghosts - displays the current amount of ghosts you have

!bank - tells you how many Ghosts Ghost1bot has snagged from everyone (or how many he is in debt)

!shop - shows you what's available to buy

!buy [Item] - If an item is longer than one word (eg. Bronze Sword) you buy it by using the first letter of the first word and the second word. Example: Buy a bronze sword = !buy bsword [note that items have no effect on anything yet]

!ticket [number of tickets] - Buy a number of tickets for a raffle

!claim   - win your prize if you win a raffle

!raffleinfo - gives info on the current raffle

!rafflehelp - gives info on how raffles work

!raffleMhelp - gives info on how raffles work for MODS

!inv - lists your inventory

!1v1 [user] [bet] - 1v1 another user in chat, bought Items may help in battle other user has to accept

!accept [username of challenger] - accepts the 1v1

More ways to spend and earn Ghosts to come!

Fun hardcoded commands
!joke - tells a random joke

oh magic ghost, (your question) - answers your questions

 !quote - displays a random quote for the channel, if the channel has quotes, add a number to display that numbers assigned quote

!totalquotes - outputs the channels number of total quotes

!Real2Internet - converts Internet time to real time (Joke command)

Mod commands
!cycleon - starts greeting cycle

!cycleoff - stops greetingcycle

[NEW] !makecycle [Cycletime in seconds] [message] - Creates a custom greeting cycle of individual channels.

[NEW] !chancycleon and !chancycleoff - starts/stops the costum timer.

[NEW] !maketimer [Time in seconds] [Message] - Activates a simple timer that outputs a message after a certain amount of time.

[NEW] !sethome [country] - Sets the streams home to the given country. This is used for the !time stream command

[NEW] !addtag [Username] [Tag] - Adds a tag to the given username

[NEW] !deltag [Username]  - Removes the tag from the gioven user

ghost1bot cadd on/off - (de)activates Ghost1Bot costum commands

!cadd [Trigger] [Text] - adds a costum command, if you use this don't add an "!" to the Trigger. It does that automatically , Example:

<BlindGhost1> !cadd test this is a test msg                                                                 <BlindGhost1> !test                                                                                                    <ghost1bot> this is a test msg

!cdel [Trigger] - removes a custom command

!clearquotes - Permanently deletes ALL quotes for the channel. There IS a backup file in case this happens on accident. Please be careful with this!

 !wrongquote - remove most recent quote

!addquote [author of quote] <quote> - adds a quote, example:

<BlindGhost1>: !addquote blindghost1 This is a test quote
<Ghost1Bot>: blindghost1 Added: " This is a test quote " from blindghost1 on 21/03/2016
<BlindGhost1>: !quote
<Ghost1Bot>: " This is a test quote " - blindghost1 21/03/2016

!ghosts (add|remove) [Nickname] [Amount] - add or remove points manually

 !rafflestart <Max Tickets> <Price per Ticket> <Item that is given away>  - Starts a raffle

 !raffleend   - ends the started raffle (somebody has to claim in order to end the raffle)

!Fraffleend   - Force ends a raffle and gives a winner, people can't claim, keep that in mind

!qraffle   - completely aborts a raffle, doesn't give a winner

more: http://hawkee.com/snippet/10160/

Version History/Changelog:

Current Version

19/05/2016 - 0.4GBeta (Added Costum Greeting cycles. you can now type !makecycle <Cycletime> <Message> and (de)activate it my using !chancycleon and !chancycleoff. Added 6 more jokes,Added possibility for mods to make timers by typing !maketimer <Amount of seconds> <message>, Added Tag-system. Mods use !addtag <user> <tag> or !deltag <user> other users use !tag for their own tag and !tag <user> for other users tag ,Added a !time command. You can do !time [country] to get their time or !time streamer to get the streamers time. Works with Russian zones and the US-States. Mods can set the streams home country by typing !sethome [Country] )


26/04/2016 - 0.35.5GBeta (Added a !wrongquote command so mods can delete the last recent quote, added a !totalquotes command to see the total amount of quotes, Added a nr. System to quotes it's possible to call a specific quote using !quote <quote nr> also get the total amount of quotes by typing !totalquotes Added a real to internet time converter type !real2internet, Added probability of winning a raffle at the end of the raffle, added a feedback command! Now it's simple to give me feedback! type !feedback <your report, idea or feedback>, optimized joke system)

10/04/2016 - 0.35GBeta (Overhauled Joke System and Overhauled raffle system, raised slotmachine output)

03/04/2016 - 0.3GBeta (Added more Jokes, added a simple raffle system, added more general responses to adressing Ghostbot directly, fixed a bug in the quote system, still testing Ghosts)

21/03/2016 - 0.2GBeta (Added first working version of the quote system, added a couple of general responses, added artificial limit to !ghosts add/remove of 500)

18/02/2016 - 0.15GBeta (more Content to Ghosts Test Phase and Other minor commands)

12/02/2016 - 0.1GBeta (Testing of Ghosts start)

10/02/2016 - 0.1 (Main Scripts in Place)

Lozo $ Scootz - RCD Radio RoBo Bot (Public script)

Conscious - Calculator script (modified)

slotmachine - sercan386 (modified heavily)

points system - CraftingMotion (modified)

Everything Else - BlindGhost1

Get Ghost1bot in your Twitch channel:

Right now I am developing ghost1bot so having additional Test channels would be pretty neat. If you want to help that way you can E-mail me and we'll figure something out, Please note that Ghost1Bot as well as myself need Mod permissions in your Channel to run certain tests.

Also please note that during testing the chat may be spammed sometimes.
As a "Thank you" to you for letting me use your channel you may use all Ghost1bot features how you see fit as soon as the scripts are written. Note that when (and if) Ghost1Bot is ever finished things will probably change so being a test channel doesn't automatically give you the full released bot, but that's still a long time coming. Thanks for reading.

Ghost1bot supported channels on Twitch:



